Program List

The number of (the)data : 8
  • Action
  • Detective
  • Entertainment
  • Action
  • Detective
  • Entertainment

K2: Dodgy Badge Brothers

キワドい2人ーK2ー 池袋署刑事課神崎・黒木

Ryuichi Kanzaki is a serious, career detective with a touch of humanism who is mortified when he is assigned a new partner in Kenji Kuroki, an ultra hard-nosed, rough-and-tumble cop. With their diametrically-opposed personalities and views on life, they form an odd pair battling crime in highly-satisfying police drama style. Kanzaki is seeking to follow in the path of his policeman father whom he greatly admires. Kuroki boasts the highest arrest rate on the force through his strong gut feelings and perceptive mind. But the two men share one secret that mustn’t get out: they are half-brothers. They may think and act very differently, but therein lies their biggest crime-fighting weapons.


인정파에 고지식한 커리어 형사 간자키 류이치와 전대미문의 능력을 가진 형사 구로키 켄지가 한조가 되어 흉악사건에 도전하는 통쾌한 형사드라마.
두 사람은 성격, 가치관, 수사 방침도 전혀 다른 한 팀인데…
경찰관이었던 아버지를 동경하여 형사가 된 간자키와 직관력과 통찰력이 남다른 검거율 1위의 구로키에게는 누구에게도 알려져서는 안 될「이복형제」라는 비밀이 있다. 두 사람은 정반대의 성격이라는 착안점과 행동력을 무기로 사건을 해결로 이끌어간다!


  • Family
  • Human
  • Idol
  • Drama (Series)
  • Family
  • Human
  • Idol
  • Drama (Series)

The Last Train Bound for Nagoya 2020


This is the 8th year for award-winning omnibus drama of people who encounter each other
in the last train bound for Nagoya! We are continuously focusing on regular members from
last series, also have brand new stories starting this year. One big change has arrived this
year; the main cast Rena Matsui, who had joined from the first series, left and the members
of her former idol group SKE48 took after. They engaged in script development for their



  • Family
  • Human
  • Entertainment
  • Family
  • Human
  • Entertainment

Downtown Rocket


Following its smash hit debut in 2015, Downtown Rocket returns for a second season in 2018 furthering the struggles and challenges of Kohei Tsukuda, a former rocket scientist and leader of the Tsukuda Manufacturig Co., a cozy factory in the old part of Tokyo. Having lost his father, Kohei had taken over the firm’s development of a purely domestically-made rocket for a major industrial concern, Teikoku Heavy Industries and their Stardust Project. But when news arrives of a sudden replacement of the Teikoku president, the Stardust Project appears in jeopardy, further compounded by Tsukuda’s loss of a major client, a farm machinery maker, who decides to cancel engine orders. Having just shifted from rocket engines to farm equipment, Kohei and his factory must once again face a series of make-or-break challenges in order to survive.

2015년 대히트한 TV 드라마의 속편.
전 우주과학 개발 기구의 연구원으로 현재는 아버지가 남긴 변두리의 공장「쓰쿠다 제작소」에서 경영자로서의 삶을 살아가는 쓰쿠다 고헤이. 일본을 대표하는 대기업 데이코쿠 중공의 순국산 로켓 개발계획「스타더스트 계획」에 참가하고 있었다. 어느 날, 데이코쿠 중공의 사장 교체로 스타더스트 계획이 다음으로 끝날지도 모른다는 소식을 듣고 고헤이는 충격을 받는다. 동시에 큰 거래처인 농기구 회사로부터 소형엔진의 거래 삭감을 통고받고 고헤이는 강한 위기감을 품게 된다. 로켓 개발에서 농경기 개발로 방향을 전환한 고헤이와「쓰쿠다 제작소」의 새로운 도전을 그렸다.


  • Human
  • Romance
  • Tearjerker
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Tearjerker



Ritsu Okazaki was abandoned by his mother when a child and has since scraped out a seedy life in the only place that will comfortably accept him: the underworld. But one fateful day, Ritsu incurs a serious-head injury during a scuffle, and is informed by a doctor that he could go at any moment. With time running out, he sets out to find his mother, Reiko Hyuga. What he finds, however, is a happy and wealthy woman who spends her time lavishing love on another son named Satoru. Ritsu is torn between feelings of jealous hatred and yearning for the love of his mother. That’s when he’s reunited with Rinka, a girl he’d helped before. But Rinka has long been in love with Satoru, a childhood friend, but she has kept those feelings to herself. A mother and two sons, a girl and two men: two love triangles that intersect and clash to produce a bittersweet love story.

어릴적 어머니에게 버려져 불우한 환경에서 자라온 오카자키 리쓰. 밑바닥 생활의 그의 거처는 어느새 지하세계밖에 없었다. 어느날 리쓰는 사건에 휘말려 머리에 치명적인 상처를 입고 언제 죽을지 모르는 상태가 된다. 적어도 마지막으로 효도를 하고 싶다며 어머니 휴가 레이코를 찾아 나서지만, 그가 본것은 가난때문에 자신을 버렸을거라 여긴 어머니가 아들 사토루에게 넘치는 애정을 쏟는 모습이었다. 유복하고 행복해보이는 두사람의 모습에 몹시 놀라는 리쓰는 어머니에 대한 그리움과 증오심에 갈등한다. 그런 어느날 우연한 일로 도움을 준 미타 린카와 재회한다. 린카는 어릴적부터 친구인 사토루를 짝사랑하지만 자신의 마음을 숨긴채 외로움을 안고 있다. 어머니와 두 아들, 한 여자와 두 남자. 두개의 삼각관계가 교차하는 슬픈 러브스토리.


  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2015

往名古屋的末班車 2015

This omnibus stories contains of the Lough, tear, humanness and comedy. We can describe a train as small society or the earth itself. Getting on a same train means sharing one moment of life. Each life never merges like train tracks. In “The last train”, life starts to merge by chance… This omnibus stories express the miracle and the thankfulness being in life.



  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

Tetsuko no Sodatekata


Azusa wanted to become an announcer in a Key station. However, she could not pass the test. Only position she qualified is a small cable station, whose mainstay program is about trains and railways! Because she doesn’t have any knowledge and interest about railway, so she always got confused or made mistakes. How Azusa overcomes the problem and recognizes that she will be a professional announcer? The program focuses in both the way of her growth as an announcer and the core information by rail fans.



  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2012

往名古屋的末班車 2012

This omnibus stories contains of the Lough, tear, humanness and comedy.
We can describe a train as small society or the earth itself. Getting on a same train means sharing one moment of life. Each life never merges like train tracks. In “The last train”, life starts to merge by chance… This omnibus stories express the miracle and the thankfulness being in life.


東京ドラマアワード2013「ローカル・ドラマ賞」を受賞した本作は名古屋鉄道を舞台に制作したドラマ。 名古屋へ向かう最終列車で繰り広げられる、4つのストーリー。それは忘れ物をキッカケに始まるロマンス、コメディ、ファンタジー、ヒューマンの物語。普段は交わることのないそれぞれの人生がふとしたきっかけで最終列車で交錯し、リアルな人間ドラマが生まれます。最後は心温まる奇跡の出来事が!主演は今をときめくアイドルSKE48からは、地元出身の松井玲奈。

  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2014

往名古屋的末班車 2014

This omnibus stories contains of the Lough, tear, humanness and comedy. We can describe a train as small society or the earth itself. Getting on a same train means sharing one moment of life. Each life never merges like train tracks. In “The last train”, life starts to merge by chance… This omnibus stories express the miracle and the thankfulness being in life.